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The SBOM hub

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> Works With
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> Why now?

The SBOM Mandate

With the introduction of Executive Order 14028, the US government began mandating SBOMs (Software Bill of Materials) for all vendors selling software to the federal government. This requirement has had a cascading effect throughout the software industry, particularly in compliance. From the EU's Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) to the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, SBOMs are set to become the standard for transparency in the software supply chain. If your organization hasn't adopted SBOMs yet, the clock is ticking.

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sbom management
sbomify innovation
> Generate, Collaborate and Analyze

The SBOM Life Cycle

The SBOM life cycle consists of three parts: generation, distribution, and analysis. sbomify focuses on the distribution aspect. SBOMs are typically used by both internal and external stakeholders, such as customers. After speaking with CTOs and CSAs, it became evident that most SBOM distribution today is still done via email, reminiscent of how we used to email software patches in the 90s, which were then stored haphazardly on internal file shares. This approach introduces numerous issues, including unnecessary labor and the risk of working with outdated data. Distribution, also sometimes known as Transport, should be automated and seamlessly integrated into the CI/CD workflow, and this is precisely what sbomify offers.

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> Hub and spoke

The SBOM Hub

SBOMs are as fresh as milk — they can change with every CI/CD run, depending on how dependencies (and sub-dependencies!) are managed. This makes it crucial to use a collaborative platform for SBOM management. Enter sbomify. Whether you're a software buyer or producer who are looking to set up an SBOM vendor portal, using sbomify will simplify your SBOM process.

You can seamlessly invite internal stakeholders to sbomify, allowing them to automatically access the most up-to-date SBOMs for your product, or even specific components for more granular control. These SBOMs can then be easily exported to third-party tools for further analysis, such as security or license audits.

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sbom due diligence
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> Product, Project and Components

SBOMs Done Right

Building an SBOM for a simple microservice or dependency file is straightforward. However, this approach is far from representative of your entire product or service. Your backend likely consists of at least a handful of different services, potentially written in various languages and running in separate Docker containers. On top of that, there are probably front-end components that also need to be captured. Creating SBOMs that accurately reflect your entire product or service could result in generating at least a dozen SBOMs. Even with automated tools, sharing all of these with stakeholders can lead to confusion. At sbomify, we’ve addressed this by introducing hierarchical grouping through products, projects, and components.

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